If you are ready...
- The first Mini Cooper was built in what year?
- The original Mini Cooper has won which race how many times?
- The new MINI Cooper is built by what major auto maker?
- The speedometer on the MINI cooper is located where (without optional NAV system)?
- the front of the MINI Cooper is called?
- the rear of the MINI Cooper is called?
- According to the unauthorized manual:
- what is the pilot in charge of?
- Who sits in the passenger seat.
- what are the passenger responsibilities
- what is the pilot in charge of?
- At what temperature will the MINI's glove box keep something cold?
- What is the most number of golfers and gear that you can take with you in a MINI?
- What is the name of the MINI that you have been invited to motor in?
- In what ways can the Headlamps be used?
- What is the musical key of the MINI's horn?
- How many members are there currently at minicooperonline.com?
- How many pages of member MINI's are there currently?
- What are the colors on the members MINI's displayed on page 22 of the member gallery?
- Does the MINI have lumbat support adjustment? Explain
- What does a RONCO Rotisserie do?
- Has there been a recall? If so, for what?
- How much horsepower does a MINI Cooper have? MINI Cooper S?
- If installed, how many CD's does the changer hold?
- List 3 major safety features of the New MINI Cooper
- What colors are specific to the MINI Cooper? To the MINI Cooper S?
- What is the most expensive option available for the MINI?
- Give 3 differences between the MINI Cooper and the MINI Cooper S
- The MINI will give up what to protect it's passengers?
- Does your current vehicle have an automatic transmission or a stick?
Upon completion of this test, please give it back to the owner of the MINI for grading. See below for scoring:
0-10 Correct -- Oh, you must be joking! You think that you are going to drive MY MINI? you are lucky that I am even letting you look at it. Now, move along before you damage my MINI!
11-15 Correct - Well, I guess I can let you ride in my MINI while I'm motoring. You can't motor, but you can watch.
16-20 Correct - You can drive it in the CostCo parking lot. On Sunday. At midnight.
21-26 Correct - You are a true MINImaniac. You either have your own MINI already or it's on order. It would be a pleasure to motor with you!
Thank you for completing this test. If you scored lower than you thought, you are allowed to retake the test in about a week or so. But, if you are required to take the test more than once, be prepared to shower of the owner of the MINI that you are hoping to motor in with great gifts and/or cash. If you passed this test 100%, congrats to you! please don't share the answers with others that have not taken the test so that MINI owners who depend on this test will be able to repect the tests accuracy.
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